Where can I learn how to tat?

There are many, many, MANY videos on youtube that teach tatting. It may be a bit overwhelming trying to figure out what to watch. I recommend starting with these and then explore more until you find something that works for you. 

For shuttle tatting:

Georgia Seitz Online Beginning Shuttle Tatting Class, 1st episode link is https://youtu.be/gqLb0va-VXc. This series has 23 videos on learning to shuttle tat which you can review at your own speed. If you struggle with "the flip", and this is the hardest part of learning to tat, check out Shuttle Tatting For Beginners - Transferring the Knot by Frivole, link is https://youtu.be/OWdbxK-NuNY. She has other videos, but this one is key to many people.

If you are in the SE Michigan area and want to learn shuttle tatting in person, message me for class options.

For Needle Tatting:

Georgia Seitz Online Beginner Needle Tatting Class, the 1st episode link is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UVk7sXXEWNE. This series has 23 videos on learning to needle tat which you can review at your own speed.