Where can I find tatting patterns to try?

This page will contain links to blogs and websites that offer free tatting patterns. Many designers that sell patterns also offer free ones. When you are just learning it's fun to practice using many different patterns, plus it helps you learn more techniques and figure out what your style is. Once you get the hang of it and start making the things that you prefer most, please support your favorite designers by purchasing their patterns.

Even though they are free, patterns will not be posted directly because most of these creators only get compensation based on traffic to their sites, so please visit them directly. If any links stop working please let me know.

Here they are, in no particular order: 

  1. Fairy Lace: https://fairylace.kozinenko.com/free-tatting-pattern/
  2. Cariad Tatting (Jennifer Williams), click on the menu then choose "patterns" to see a full list: https://www.cariad-tatting.com/
  3. Jane Eborall: http://www.janeeborall.freeservers.com/
  4. Yarnplayer (Marilee Rockley): https://yarnplayertats.blogspot.com/.../my-free-patterns...
  5. Muskaan's t*i*p*s: https://tipsaroundthehome.blogspot.com/.../patterns...
  6. Liliantatlace: https://lilliantatlace.wordpress.com/blog/
  7. Be-stitched (Nancy's hobby site): https://www.be-stitched.com/free-tatting-patterns-1/
  8. CM-handmade (Corina Mayfeldt)(There is no pattern list but taking the time to go through the blog is worth it, patterns are listed throughout): http://cmhandmade.blogspot.com/
  9. Tat-a-renda (link is for one list of patterns, use the drop down to see others): https://tatsaway.blogspot.com/p/hearts.html
  10. The Antique Pattern Library: https://www.antiquepatternlibrary.org/html/warm/tatting.htm Within the Antique Pattern Library there are whole books available to download, including Beeton's Book of Needlework, some Bucilla Blue Books, several Priscilla books and many Clarks books.
  11. Le Blog de Frivole: http://leblogdefrivole.blogspot.com/p/patterns.html
  12. Tatting by the Bay (Robin Perfetti): http://tattingbythebay.blogspot.com/p/free-patterns.html
  13. Handy Hands: https://hhtatting.com/free-patterns/free-tatting-patterns/
  14. The Online Tatting Class by Georgia Seitz (this page is in the process of being rebuilt after the previous site was taken down, so checking back periodically will be best as information is being added frequently): https://www.theonlinetattingclass.com/patterns
  15. Linda Davies blog, patterns are listed on the right side of the page. http://toptattyhead.blogspot.com/
  16. Wanda's Knotty Thoughts https://www.wandasknottythoughts.com/my-patterns/
  17. Anne Bruvold's patterns in English https://nuperelle.net/EngPatterns.htm
  18. Ice drop tutorial: https://lacelovinlibrarian.blogspot.com/2016/11/step-by-step.html
  19. This site is similar to Ravelry, but for tatting. It requires an account to access, but is free:  https://www.craftree.com/