New Perk!

I've added a new perk to all membership tiers! Now there will be a monthly giveaway, all members in all tiers will be entered to win. In order for the drawing to happen, there must be at least 5 members total on the 1st of the month (we aren't quite there yet, but I want this to be ready for when we are). What will be given away? It might be merch from the shop, or it might be something handmade from me. We can also do a poll to decide, there are lots of options. What would you like to win?

Join to access

Working on June merch

Join to access

Alright NOW we have members only merch

Join to access

updated members only merch

Join to access


Join to access

New shirt (maybe)

What is this?

Welcome! You might be wondering why these memberships exist. You might not. Here is a brief explanation of my reasoning for setting this up.

The main reason is because some people want to support me as an artist and an educator, but they don't want to give money to Twitch (subs in Twitch are split 50/50 with the affiliate) and they don't tat so they don't need to buy supplies. Normally this gap would be fulfilled by Patreon, however the main things I can offer as benefits to members would be discounts, member only merch and early access to merch from my shop, and there is no way to automate that with Patreon. This membership system automates it all without taking a huge fee. Also by setting up memberships through Fourthwall, the membership itself can be an item that can be gifted to chat while I am streaming, Patreon doesn't have a way to gift memberships. 
Some people may not realize it, but this is my full time job. My income comes from teaching in person classes, streaming demonstrations on Twitch, and selling tatting supplies. My class fees and supply costs are kept low to encourage people to learn or continue tatting, there is not a lot of extra made and what extra there is goes towards the costs of the business. Memberships can help provide the extra income I need to keep doing what I love. 
Memberships, just like subs, tips, bits and any other form of monetary support, are always appreciated, but never expected. No one should ever put themself in a financially stressful situation to support me. Ever. 

The perks of membership are a bit sparse now, but I'm working on that. Suggestions are welcome! Let me know what you would like to see as a perk. 

Thank you for being here, your support means so very much to me.